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ISA Certified Arborists
serving areas throughout the great pacific northwest
This is us
Anne M Morey
ISA Certified Arborist PN9302A
ISA Qualified Tree Risk Assessor
Michael A Morey Jr
ISA Certified Arborist PN6934AT
ISA Qualified Tree Risk Assessor
ISA Certified Tree Work Climber

An arborist is a professional who studies and puts into practice the principles of Arboriculture, the science and art of cultivating and caring for trees; we intervene as a consultant in urban development projects; work as an advisor to states, delegations, municipalities, institutions and private companies; we know how to plan, design, direct and execute all types of work with trees in most every capacity.
As a Certified Arborist, we abied by the ISA Code of Ethics which commits us to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and ethical standards governing professional practice of arboriculture.
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